The hip joint is the largest and most useful joint in the human body. It supports the entire body and facilitates numerous motions and activities, such as walking, climbing stairs, turning around, twisting, and more. Millions of individuals experience hip pain and discomfort every year because of problems related to the hip joint and its surrounding components, such as the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Our physicians diagnose and treat the root cause of your hip injuries using the most effective non-surgical or surgical techniques.

Non-Surgical Treatments

RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation)

  • Rest: Rest the affected muscles and avoid activities that strain the hip muscles.
  • Ice: Place ice packs on the injured site 30 minutes every 2 to 3 hours to reduce swelling.
  • Compression: Apply compression bandages on the hips to minimize swelling.
  • Elevation: Elevate the hips by placing a pillow underneath your legs and lower back to facilitate blood circulation towards the injured site and ensure optimal healing.

Anti-Inflammatory Medications

Our physicians may provide non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen and naproxen sodium, to alleviate pain and discomfort and reduce inflammation from the hips. In some cases, you may also receive corticosteroid injections to reduce inflammation.

Physical Therapy/ Exercises

Muscle strengthening is an essential component of your recovery, so we integrate physical therapy into your treatment plan. Our physicians will recommend a series of exercises that strengthen the muscles around your hips and improve your range of motion. The exercises will be recommended according to your unique condition. For example, if you have a hip labral tear, you may perform side planks, side steps, bridges, or deadlifts with a single leg.

Orthobiologics (PRP & Stem Cell)

Orthobiologics refers to injectable treatments wherein components from your body are used to catalyze your natural healing capabilities. Our bodies can heal themselves because of growth factors, stem cells, and other essential components. Orthobiologic treatments involve harvesting these components from the body and reintroducing them at the injured sites to facilitate natural healing.

PRP and stem cell therapy are the most common forms of orthobiologic care. PRP involves harvesting platelet-rich plasmas from a small sample of your blood and injecting it into the injured areas of your hips. Stem cell therapy involves harvesting a small sample of your stem cells and injecting it into your hips. These procedures facilitate natural tissue regeneration, reversing the damage caused by hip injuries and osteoarthritis.

Surgical Treatments

woman doing exercises

Hip Arthroscopy

Hip arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical technique for patients not responding to conservative treatments. The surgeon makes two to three small, keyhole-sized incisions on targeted areas of your hips. The surgeon inserts a specialized camera and some surgical tools through the incisions. Using visual guidance, the surgeon makes the necessary adjustments on your hip joints, tendons, and ligaments to restore optimal health.

Open Surgery Techniques

Open surgery techniques involve making a large incision on the side of the hips to access the hip joints and other surrounding structures. The surgeon makes the necessary surgical adjustments to the damaged parts of your hips. The specific techniques involved depend on your condition. For example, if you have a labral tear, the surgeon will remove the torn labrum and repair the damaged tissues. Your surgeon will discuss all the steps involved before the actual procedure.

woman running

Schedule an Appointment

Movement Orthopaedic Institute is the premier provider of sports medicine and orthopedic care in Houston. Our physicians specialize in curating personalized treatment plans after performing thorough diagnosing tests, such as X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans. They visualize the root cause of your hip injuries to ensure optimal and long-lasting results. We start most treatments with non-invasive and orthobiologic solutions, such as physical therapy or PRP. And we only recommend surgeries if all other solutions fail. Please schedule an appointment to explore your hip treatment options in Houston.

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